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Explore FarCare Foundation

Ending Homelessness 

This is FarCare Foundation we aim to help the homeless people by not just simply donating but by getting a deeper understanding of their problems and we also provide skill training and counselling support to them so that they can be saved from the cycle of homelessness 

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How do we function ?

We work through a Completely Online based system wherein a person who knows about youth suffering homelessness can contact us via the the forms available on our website they would be be provided help by our team, we also partner with government agencies to get a list of homeless youth to help them.We have partnered with restaurant chains and departmental stores to work with us in providing food and resource kits to the homeless.We work with counsellors from all around the world to help provide online as well as face to face support sessions. We have partnered with educators and volunteers who are ready to teach skill training to the homeless and local libraries which can provide easy internet access and resources for studyso that they can get back on their feet.

Business Meeting

Online Counselling Sessions

We have a form based service where we match councillors with the homeless of the world to help provide the best assistance that we can as we want them to feel a sense of belonging and we them to be emotionally strong to be able to face the world.


 Online Skill  Training 

We provide basic skill training like basic math,hairdressing,tailoring the homeless by partnering with some amazing educators from all around the world. Learning and brushing up your skills not only help the homeless  to make a place in the world but will also help to provide them with employment. 


Food And Resource kits 

We have partnered with amazing restaurants and supermarkets to get food and resource kits to distribute it to the homeless to make life a little easier for them.


We are in this together 

We have a dedicated team working 24/7 to help find the underprivileged homeless children a place to stay even though we are all far apart yet we care love from Anoushka -India,Zambia,Ruth-Uganda,Daniel-UK,Muhammad- Pakistan,Thelma-Zambia.You are important, needed and add more brightness to the world.

Holding Hands

Ending Youth Homelessness 

Our only aim is to end the homelessness experienced by youth we work 24/7 to help the homeless youth and also aim to help over 1500 youth in the next six months 

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Holding Phones

If you have any questions about the forum, please do not hesitate to reach out. We would be more than happy to address any of your questions, comments, or concerns.


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